Blogg som handlar om företag, tjänster och shopping

Blogg som handlar om företag, tjänster och shopping

Button Bind Necklace

- Posted in Shopping by

Button Bind ensures that buttons stay in place on garments, forever!

They say that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and how true is that! So when it comes to the humble button on, for instance, a shirt, the same quote rings true. Buttons of any kind have a tendency to NOT stay in place. Manufacturers of all types of clothing all have the same problem when producing apparel and the only solution thus far has been to enclose a couple of spare buttons on the garments, discreetly placed somewhere on the inside of each garment so that when needed, help is available. For not only do loose buttons fall off, they also more often than not, disappear.

My thoughts about all of this is: HOW do people sew on their spare buttons? For when it comes to timing, a button usually needs replacing at the most inconvenient of times. So yes, the manufacturer has been kind enough to include more buttons, knowing they will come to good use, but HOW does one sew it on without the rest of the kit? How many of us have access to needles and thread, right there before a meeting, an appointment, a wedding, a date, and so on and so forth…

Nonetheless, let’s just forget about all that and start thinking about Button Bind instead. The most ingenious of inventions since well, the zipper perhaps?

Button Bind is a new system that is heaven sent, designed to keep the button in place forever. And it does! Manufacturers all over the world no longer need to enclose spare buttons to all their apparel, making it an economically and environmentally friendly alternative that can’t be ignored. A few simple steps secures the button necks and straight away the manufacturer has improved the quality of the entire garment by many percent.

Customer satisfaction is a fact, knowing that they can trust the performance of what they’re wearing, at least when it comes to button performance. It truly is a unique and groundbreaking innovation that is taking the fashion industry by storm and improves all points of quality assurance; environment, economy, customer satisfaction and more. Button Bind is the answer when it comes to keeping buttons in place forever.

Buttons that stay in place for ever by Button Bind